4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ICEEE 2017, Ankara, Türkiye, 8 - 10 Nisan 2017, ss.170-176
Loads belonging to a bus at an industrial plant mostly constitutes of asynchronous motors. In case of a loss at one of the energy sources that these loads are fed from and in case of a necessity for maintenance at a feeder, to have the uninterrupted continuity of the plant the loads shall be fed again from a healthy source. These processes are conducted by the system which is abbreviated as ATS that is the Automatic Transfer System. With the purpose of inspecting the effects of the bus transfer to the motor loads and electrical system SIMULINK toolbox of MATLAB have been used to make the simulation of the electrical system and with this way fast transfer, in phase transfer and transfer related to the residual voltage structures have been investigated. The results have revealed the importance of motor bus amplitude and phase angle resultant vectorial potential values at deciding the bus transfer type and determining the effects to the electrical system.