1930 tarihli Askerî Ceza Kanunu (AsCK)’nun Üçüncü Bap, ‘Askeri itaat ve inkıyadıbozan suçlar’ başlıklı Beşinci Faslının, 87’nci maddesinde emre itaatsizlikte ısrar suçu,88’inci maddesinde, bu suçun nitelikli halleri, 89’uncu maddesinde ise suçun neticesi sebebiyleağırlaşmış hali düzenlenmiştir.
The crime of insist on failure to obey order in Article 87, qualified forms of this offence in Article 88, aggravation of this offence due to its consequences in Article 89 are regulated under the Chapter Three title of “Ruining of military obedience and subjugate” of the Military Criminal Code (MCC) dated 1930. In this study, elements of this crime and its properties, qualified forms of this offence, aggravation of this offence due to its consequences, views in doctrine and judgments of Supreme Court will be examined.