Neoliberalism, Political Participation and Democracy

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Bingöl Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi (Online), cilt.6, sa.2, ss.485-506, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Democracy is defined as the system in which the people are determined as the source of sovereignty and the executives elected by the people, as representatives, perform the bargaining processes in the political arena regarding social demands. With the form shaped by the relation of capitalist production, 19th century gained a characteristic unique to the industrial society. In the industrial society, the people of the feudal society were obliged to work with a fixed, regular income. while job security and stability turned serf into proletariat, desubjectified them in the perception of participation in decisions and the sharing of resources. The participation of the productive classes in the decision-making by voting in the elections, facilitated the plunder of the commons by the capital. In the neoliberal phase of capitalism reached digitalization, the working classes lost their gains in the context of citizenship, as the relations of production turned into an unstable and precarious form. This loss, corresponding to publicity, created the source of the neofascist movement, fueled by identity politics. This text has discussed the change in the nature of democratic representation in the context of the transformation of the relations of capitalist production from industrial society to digital society, participation, the political projection of the commons of a politically agreed community, and the loss of publicity. The discussion was held through literature review and critical analysis of the conceptual framework.